Workshops for children of all ages up to 6th form are going to be incredible this coming
Winter Sessions will be enhanced by all the new paraphernalias we've added to our stock of artefacts and costumes.
Book the popular Diwali workshop and save £££s.
Book your preferred date this Winter and claim a 10% discount off a whole day workshop! Half day workshops claim a 5% discount.
This offer ends March 5th 2025.
WESAK May 12th 2025
Buddhists celebrate the festival of Wesak May 12th in the 2025 Summer term. Lord Buddha's message of peace is taught during the present-ation with emphasis on his concern that animals and other lower species be treated with kindness and respect. Children get to bathe the baby Buddha with scented water using a special Asian ladle. The ancient laws of karma (action/reaction) and samsara (reincarnation) are explained in a simplistic format.
Book a Wesak Festival workshop and save £££s.
Book your preferred date this Winter and claim a 10% discount! Half day workshops claim a 5% discount.
This offer ends Feb 28th 2025.
This wonderful festival falls on 14th March 2024. It has become internationally famous as the festival of colours especially with the inclusion of the famous Spanish Fork festival in Utah, USA. Throughout the world, Hindus share this fun filled festival with their friends and family. Our workshops focuses on the ancient story of Holika and Prahlad and children dress up in exotic costumes to enact the story.
Discount applies to a Whole Day workshop only.
Book a Holi Festival workshop and save £££s.
Book your preferred date this Spring and claim a 10% discount! Half day workshops claim a 5% discount.
Vaiskhi Festival Workshop April 13th 2024
The Sikh Vaisakhi festival falls on April 14th 2025 and it is always a lively event! Our Sikh workshop is appreciated by pupils and teaching staff alike. The artefacts and costumes are second to none. Real Sikh swords or kirpans are used along with other authentic costumes and paraphernalias.
Book a Vaisakhi Festival workshop and save £££s.
Book your preferred date this Winter and claim a 10% discount! Half day workshops claim a 5% discount.
Our workshop accommodates up to 380 children per day and can extend our visit to a second day for a discounted fee. We will be delighted to visit your establishment, so go ahead and join the multitudes of teachers, pupils and students throughout the UK and Ireland who have already enjoyed our workshops. If you have a few minutes, read some of their interesting testimonials.
Our work moto is "What we learn with pleasure we will never forget." (Charles Mercier 1851-1919). It has been a pleasure and a joy serving you in the Summer 2024 term, we hope to see you again in Autumn 2024.
Best wishes,
Kavita Prema - Course Tutor.