Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools
Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools 

                        B-H-S                        EDUCATIONAL  WORKSHOPS

Experiential Lessons on Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism

EYFS, Primary, Secondary and Special Needs Schools

                                            Colleges and Universities                                                    

       Namaste - Welcome      



 Public Liability Insurance No. PL-PSC 10003367221/00 


 'Helping you to Achieve the SMSC Quality Mark for Primary and Secondary schools'

"What we learn with pleasure we will never forget." 

Charles Mercier 1851 - 1919


    Buddhism Modules


     Hinduism Modules


       Sikhism Modules

Recent Teacher Feedback:


Hi Sakhya,
"Thank you so much to both of you today for such fantastic, inspiring workshops this morning.  Our classes and the staff have absolutely loved them and said how great/inspiring you were.  We will definitely be booking in with you again for our faith week next year. Thank you for such a great experience - much appreciated."
Sanah Rasool
Reginald Mitchell Primary School.


Buddhism Display Video:

Diwali Fun Learning Workshop Video:

Diwali Festival

Diwali festival

of light is a Hindu festival which will be celebrated on Nov 1st 2024.  

Wesak Festival

The Wesak festival celebrates the birth of Buddha and is celebrated on May 12th 2025.

Vaisakhi Festival

The Vaisakhi festival celebrates harvest festival and the new year falls on April 14th 2025.    

You are visitor number...


On a tight budget?  

Can't afford to visit a Temple or Gurudwara?  

Do you have the coach hire, parent letters, risk assessments, and tricky logistics to deal with???


Why not have us come to your school and cut costs by up to 70% and say Goodbye to all the headaches, letter writing and reduce those risks!" 

WESAK Festival

is a very popular celebration in the Autumn term.  


Visit Our Buddhism For Schools Website Now...

Hindu Practices At Home

  GOD IS FOR EVERYONE!  "Discover the common  denominatior within

  All Faiths and Cultures!"

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All rights reserved by BHS Educational Workshops: Public Liability No. PSC10003367221/00 - December 2023/24