Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools
Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools 

Sikhism Workshop

Welcome to our Sikhism workshop page.  A Sikh workshop is jam packed full of interesting and exciting artefacts, stories along with all the recent history of India from the 16th century.  


Children get to dress up with beards and turbans, hold a real Sikh sword (blunted of course) and experience what's it's like to enter the Sikh Gurudwara (Temple) and sit down to hear kirton music and the holy book, Shree Guru Granth Sahib being read.



A typical Sikhism Workshop can contain all the following, depending on length of lesson: 

  • Children dressing up in exotic and majestic costumes, wigs, beards and turbans
  • Children acting out the story of the Sikh Vaisaki  (under our guidance)
  • Children get to experience the use of drums, the five Ks and other artefacts
  • The ten Sikh Gurus with focus on Guru Nanak and Guru Shree Govind Singh 
  • Values of Sikhism
  • The Harmandir or golden temple in Amritsar
  • The five principle teachings on morality of Guru Govind Singh
  • A full display of a Sikh Gurudwara in the school
  • Bhangra dance and other dances
  • Competitions and prizes
  • Sacred cow, protecting the weak and vulnerable and vegetarianism 
  • Holy rivers and places of pilgrimage
  • Additional information sessions


On a tight budget?  

Can't afford to visit a Temple or Gurudwara?  

Do you have the coach hire, parent letters, risk assessments, and tricky logistics to deal with???


Why not have us come to your school and cut costs by up to 70% and say Goodbye to all the headaches, letter writing and reduce those risks!" 

WESAK Festival

is a very popular celebration in the Autumn term.  


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