BHS Educational Workshops are an easy learning RE and SMSC service for schools. Thousands of schools in the UK and Ireland have enjoyed our presentions on Eastern R.E. covering Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
R.E. Workshops:
All the SMSC workshops are in line with the National Curriculum and Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland. Our attention to service and detail has made us an industry leader.
We offer you a wide range of activities that include the major Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh festivals like Diwali, Holi, Wesak and Vaisakhi. We are also able to provide you with workshops on Jainism for schools covering this subject within their curriculum.
Lesson Content: All lessons contain aspects of academic subjects such as maths, history, geography, linguistics, ecology and science. Head teachers and R.E. Co-ordinators from many schools have appreciated and hailed the unique style in which BHS lessons are delivered.
Workshop Capacity:
We can accomodate up to 400 pupils in early years, primary, secondary and special needs schools. If you require assistance, our qualified staff will provide you with their support and expert guidance.
Our skilled teachers present Curriculam Enrichment Activities that transform your classroom or assembly hall into an authentic temple. Students receive interactive lessons which include multicultural resources, creative drama, dance, music, mock weddings, competitions and each session is jam packed with fun learning activities.
Curriculum Enrichment Activities:
When we arrive at your school, we transform your hall or classroom into an authentic and beautiful temple shrine. Children enjoy seeing their teachers dressing up and taking part in our vibrant and colourful R.E. lessons. The staff are often amazed how these curriculum enrichment workshops rivet the attention of the pupils and how much they learn during each module. BHS is also affiliated with ISKCON. For more information about the activities of ISKCON click on ISKCON Desire Tree.
Stories, Dance, Drama and Face Painting:
Workshops include a huge variety of modules such as stories, dance, music, drama, experiencing Indian village life, science, logic, question time, self-expression, competitions, prizes and much more. The pupils and the staff enjoy dressing up in our majestic costumes, wigs, beards, moustaches, headwear, masks, face paint and henna art.
Prayers and Belief Policy:
Our workshops provide only an overview of the religious and cultural aspects of any given subject. We do not engage the children in personal prayers or ask them to believe in any of the items presented.
INSET and ITT modules can be arranged, but we'll need at least three weeks notice in order to fit you into our busy schedule. Our courses are tailored to your specific needs and last from two hours up to two days depending on the circumstances. We can also provide twilight session to schools, local autorities and other RE bodies and networks.
Vedic verse website: