Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools
Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools 

Planning Your BHS Workshop Day



The following are guidelines only.  If you are unsure of anything please contact us.  Also, feel free to discuss and negotiate your requirements with us.


  1. In lessons and workshops we generally work with groups of around 30, though we may work with groups of up to 60.  Group numbers of 90, 120 or more are generally less suitable for primary aged pupils.
  2. For Foundation Stage, the children are usually best off in groups of 30 or fewer.
  3. We can work with several groups during a half or full day, and for a more in-depth experience, we are able to work with one group for up to an entire full day.
  4. Another option is an assembly for all (as large as you want), and sessions for certain groups.



We can help you formulate a timetable factoring in both workshop sessions and break/lunch schedules, so as to achieve optimum results.

  1. We are flexible about session length, however a minimum of 1.5 hours per session is ideal as this allows time for all students to be dressed up.
  2. Early Years Foundation Stage sessions can be as short as 1 hour or 45 minutes, or sometimes just 30 minutes.
  3. Assemblies can take place at the beginning or end of the day, or in between other lessons/sessions. They range from 15 minutes to over an hour.



  1. A hall (preferable) or a large room with empty floor space.
  2. A large screen and projector and laptop to present slide shows.
  3. 5 clean large rectangular tables to display shrine and artefacts on..



  1. We need to arrive and commence set-up  at least 1 hour before the first session starts.  We need 1 hour to pack at the end of the visit.
  2. To conserve time for setting up, please could we have some adult assistance in bringing in our equipment.
  3. Please could we also have some help with setting out our displays.  Capable pupils are very welcome to help with this, and we can use the help of up to four pupils.
  4. We can also use some help with packing at the end of our visit.  We can engage up to four adults/pupils.  Please check with the presenter before packing anything, as they may need certain things packed a certain way, and may prefer to pack certain things themselves.
  5. We need the ten tables that we’ll be using for our displays to be situated in the presentation room before our arrival, and likewise, any chairs in the room should be stacked prior to our arrival so that we can start setting up displays without delay.
  6. For logistical reasons we require tables that are not needed for the lunch service.
  7. Round or irregular shaped tables are not ideal; standard rectangular classroom tables are excellent.
  8. If necessary we can set up or pack away discreetly along one wall during Breakfast Club, lunch, or an after-school activity.
  9. If assemblies and workshop sessions are both included in your schedule, it is preferable to run them both in the same hall so that our displays, which are not easily portable, may be used for both.



  1. If lunch is to take place in the presentation hall we will set up our displays close to the wall, allowing maximum room for the lunch service.
  2. There is not time to dismantle and reset the displays during lunchtime.







If you would like the option of dressing up for the whole group, in most cases we will require the help of adults, numbers depending on the size and ability of the group. For EYFS we recommend one adult per 10 pupils (our presenter counts as one of the adults).  For Years 1-6, we recommend one adult per 15 pupils.  Yes, even the teachers get to dress up!


On a tight budget?  

Can't afford to visit a Temple or Gurudwara?  

Do you have the coach hire, parent letters, risk assessments, and tricky logistics to deal with???


Why not have us come to your school and cut costs by up to 70% and say Goodbye to all the headaches, letter writing and reduce those risks!" 

WESAK Festival

is a very popular celebration in the Autumn term.  


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