Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools
Buddhism Hinduism and Sikhism For Schools 

Hinduism For Kids 


"Thank you for coming in to our school and doing the Hindu workshop.  I liked getting dressed up as the demigod Ganesh and learning all about him.  It was good when the girls dressed up as goddesses and got bindis on their forehead.  It was amazing.  In fact everything you did was amazing.  I hope you come back to our school again. Thank you for everything."  

James, Nethermill Primary School, Dumfries

Thomas in Year 5 said: "I had a really good experience because we were told all about Sikhs and what they would wear and what everything represented. I really hope that we will do another workshop like it again soon. I learned so much and want to learn more!"

Whilst Jake, also in Year 5, commented: "I really enjoyed seeing people getting dressed up, but most of all I enjoyed learning about the Sikh religion. I learned that Sikhs don’t cut their hair and that you will always be invited to share their meals if you visit a Sikh temple, which is called a Gurdwara."  St George's CofE Primary School, Weybridge: 

            Buddhism Display At A School

Collection of random statements by children who have attended our workshops...


"I loved it, it was fun!"    "I really liked the dressing up.  It made you understand the story in a fun way." 

"I learnt much more about Hinduism."  


"I would rate it a million out of ten."   "I liked the dance and the dressing up."    "I liked the monkey outfit."    "I liked being a monkey and flying through the air."  


"It was interesting learning about the gods and what they resepct."

  "It was very educational."    "Nobody was left out!"



Click the link and have fun colouring in the RANGOLI patterns.


What Parents Say: "I thought your Diwali workshop was educational and enjoyable.  Both of my children had fun taking part in them and each session was pitched at the right level for their age range. Even the parents enjoyed them!"  Amanda Akhtar.


On a tight budget?  

Can't afford to visit a Temple or Gurudwara?  

Do you have the coach hire, parent letters, risk assessments, and tricky logistics to deal with???


Why not have us come to your school and cut costs by up to 70% and say Goodbye to all the headaches, letter writing and reduce those risks!" 

WESAK Festival

is a very popular celebration in the Autumn term.  


Visit Our Buddhism For Schools Website Now...

Hindu Practices At Home

  GOD IS FOR EVERYONE!  "Discover the common  denominatior within

  All Faiths and Cultures!"

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